The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 4
Thee Noble Eightfold Path arises at All Levels of Advancement The Noble Eightfold Path can be found at all levels of advancement
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 2
The mindfulness of the feeling in the feeling is to see and consider the feelings [vedana] both inside and outside, the whole of the time
Abstaining from Unwholesomeness # 2
means: being ashamed of unwholesomeness. Even if others don’t see what we are doing, but we bear still witness to our own unwholesome deeds it will cause us to be discontent
Blameless work # 2
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor with most young people because they are impatient
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 5
What is the true meaning of ‘insight’ [vipassana] meditation? In fact insight is insightful vision or seeing things according to their true nature, seeing them thoroughly from every perspective.
Fight to save Buddhism
A true fighter becomes a true monk! This monk unveiled why he fights to save Buddhism. The true Buddhists don't miss!!
Drink to keep us warm
Phrabhavanaviriyakhun, the vice abbot of Dhammkaya Temple, kindly answered this question: If you drink to keep you warm, does it break the five precept? Click to read his answer!
How does the moderation concern with meditation?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
Ways to Show Respect to Worthy Pnes
Physical Respect Regardless of whether we are sitting, walking, or sleeping, we should pay respect when being in front of images or statues representing those worthy of respect